How do i get a full mortagage loan
In most cases, an mortgage pre-approval application will come back marked as “approved with conditions.”
Satisfying those conditions, whatever they may be, is the first of two critical tasks that you must complete in order
to turn your “approval with conditions” into a full loan approval.
The second critical task is to lock in your interest
rate and loan terms with your lender.Locking in commits your lender to fund your loan at the specified
rate.It’s also important to remember that the lender will likely give you a time limit on how long these terms and
conditions are good for
You may also consider springing for three-bureau credit monitoring to catch any major changes as quickly as possible
*Satisfy the Underwriter’s Checklist of Borrower Conditions
*Why Are the Borrower Conditions & Locking in so Critically Important?
*Securing Your Interest Rate & Loan Terms
*How Should You Satisfy Borrower Conditions & Lock In?
*Explanation & Correction of Anomalies
*How to Satisfy the Borrower Conditions